Refreshing Tri-Color Melon Fruit Bowl

Refreshing Tri-Color Melon Fruit Bowl


Adequate rock melon, honey dew melon and watermelon

1/3 of the rock melon skin

Preparation Instructions:

  1. Use a melon baller to scoop out the melon balls so the pieces are more uniform. The amount require will be subject to the size of your fruit bowl.
  2. Transfer it into a plastic container or cover with a cling wrap and chilled in the fridge until ready to use.
  3. Use 1/3 of the rock melon skin to create a fruit bowl, you can cut it into flower design or leave it plain subject to your own personal preference.
  4. To serve: Fill the mixed melon balls into the fruit bowl with as much melon balls as it can hold and serve immediately.




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